
Our Programs and Fees

Before & After School Care

Camp Success After-School Academy provides students with a safe, warm, and caring environment to wind down after their normal school day. Our goal is to provide opportunities for our campers to explore, discover, and learn by offering developmentally-appropriate activities that scaffold their learning and can provide “out of the box” experiences your child will never forget.

Camp Success After-School Academy is currently located at Baggett Elementary School, which adds an additional sense of security and protection. During bus dismissal, campers convene and are met by our knowledgeable and experienced staff with a snack. They then rotate through homework, outside, and center rotations. Afterward, they participate in one of our daily enrichment experiences- which includes music and movement, STEAM, cooking, arts and crafts, and team sports. Because of our unmatched quality care, we have earned a Three Star Quality Rated status and Best of Gwinnett (2021 and 2022) ​

Before & After School Care Daily Schedule

The After School Program days and months of operation follow the Gwinnett County School’s calendar and adjusts for holidays and early release based on that calendar. General daily hours are as follows:






Before School Program

6:30 a.m.
School Opening

6:30 a.m.
School Opening

6:30 a.m.
School Opening

6:30 a.m.
School Opening

6:30 a.m.
School Opening

After School Program

School Dismissal
6:30 p.m.

School Dismissal
6:30 p.m.

School Dismissal
6:30 p.m.

School Dismissal
6:30 p.m.

School Dismissal
6:30 p.m.

Early Release Days

11:30 a.m. –
6:30 p.m.

11:30 a.m. –
6:30 p.m.

11:30 a.m. –
6:30 p.m.

11:30 a.m. –
6:30 p.m.

11:30 a.m. –
6:30 p.m.

Summer Camp

6:30 a.m. –
6:30 p.m.

6:30 a.m. –
6:30 p.m.

6:30 a.m. –
6:30 p.m.

6:30 a.m. –
6:30 p.m.

6:30 a.m. –
6:30 p.m.

After School Program Rates and Fees






Full time (Before and after school care 3 – 5 days)


Full time (After school care only 3-5 days)


Part time (Before and after school care 2 days)


Part time (After school Care only 2 days)


Part time (Before and after school care 1 day)


Part time (After school care only1 day)


Part time (before school care only 2 days)


Drop in per day (Before School Care)


Part time (before school care only 1 day)


Drop in per day (After School Care)

Late Fee

A late fee of $5.00 will be added to your account starting at 6:36. $1.00 will be added to the account each additional minute late. EX: If you arrive at 6:42 and you have not communicated with the center, a fee of $11 will be added to your account.

The After School Program days and months of operation follow the Gwinnett County School’s calendar and adjusts for holidays and early release based on that calendar. General daily hours are as follows:

After School Program Rates and Fees

Late Fee

A late fee of $5.00 will be added to your account starting at 6:36. $1.00 will be added to the account each additional minute late. EX: If you arrive at 6:42 and you have not communicated with the center, a fee of $11 will be added to your account.

Summer Camp 2024

Critical thinking skills are taught and learned in the classroom throughout the school year, but what typically happens during the summer break? Children often forget those skills and other necessary literacy and math skills to start the year strong, so teachers often begin the school year re-teaching. What a waste of time! If children attend Camp Success Summer Academy, they will have the opportunity to maintain skills that have already been taught and be equipped with the necessary skills for new learning at the start of the year.

The academic component of Camp Success Summer Academy consists of one hour of literacy instruction and one hour of math instruction daily with a certified teacher or teacher in training. Parents, don’t worry; your children will love the routine without feeling like they’re in school. Instruction will be tailored to students’ needs, and we guarantee your child will start their school year equipped with additional skills to tackle the upcoming school year. ​

Summer Camp 2024 Daily Schedule

The enrichment component Our summer component is out of this world! Students from all over the Atlanta Metro area, from rising kindergarten to rising 8th grade, participate in daily enrichment rotations that include but are not limited to technology, music and movement, P.E., art, gaming, character-ed, and rest-mindfulness. In addition, each week has a theme, so a portion of their day includes engaging in activities centered around the theme. For example, during Olympics Week, each class selects a country to represent and creates banners, t-shirts, and torches to prepare for the Olympic Games that are held at the end of the week. During Entrepreneurship Week(s), activities center around economics, marketing, and making business plans. We end the week with a Market Day where parents, family, and friends come out to support by purchasing products from our young entrepreneurs.

6:30a.m. – 8:30 a.m. – Arrival

8:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. – Breakfast

9:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m.
Morning group meeting, an hour of English language arts and math instruction based on remediation needs and rising grade-level expectations.

11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Scholars will then engage in teacher-directed physical education and lunch.

12:30 p.m.-1:00 p.m.
After lunch, they will have a short break to gear up for the afternoon!

1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Kicking off each afternoon will be enrichment activities centered around the week’s theme. Our themed weeks may include, but are not limited to Olympics week, little chefs week, entrepreneurship week, gardening week, engineering week, etc.

2:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Following themed week activities, it’s time for afternoon rotations! Each group will rotate through classes that span from 30-40 minutes each. Classes include, but are not limited to daily centers (science, math, dramatic play, reading, blocks, music, art), P.E., art, STEAM, rest and mindfulness, gaming, and music and movement.

6:00 p.m.-6:30 p.m.
It’s time to wind down and have a bit of free play.

Summer Day Camp Tuition Rates








Registration Fee


Part time Care (2 days)
(commitment of less than four weeks)


Full time care (3-5 days)
(commitment of four or more weeks)


Part time care (1 day)
(commitment of less than four weeks)


Full time care (3-5 days)
(commitment of less than four weeks).

$10 off

Each additional sibling


Part time Care (2 days)
(commitment of four or more weeks)

$10 off

Gwinnet County Public School Employees


Part time care (1 day)
(commitment of four or more weeks)


Registration Fee


Full time care (3-5 days)
(commitment of four or more weeks)


Full time care (3-5 days)
(commitment of less than four weeks).


Part time Care (2 days)
(commitment of four or more weeks)


Part time care (1 day)
(commitment of four or more weeks)


Part time Care (2 days)
(commitment of less than four weeks)


Part time care (1 day)
(commitment of less than four weeks)

$10 off

Each additional sibling

$10 off

Gwinnet County Public School Employees